Not only is the car wash machine crap where it left my car covered in bubbles still and did not dry everything properly but their staff, I'll mention a specific individual that was monitoring the car wash as cars go in and out, in just a second here. The younger guy which says he is the manager he is a nice person and very friendly and cleaned out the back of my truck from all the leaves before the car wash. I won't say did anything wrong but just doesn't really have much of a back bone when it came to addressing issues a customer had with an employee.
So as I begin to go in to the car wash as I had thought I put the car in neutral barely still moving at all mind you and the front of my car barely even into the car wash just half of the front end. The employee in the pictures and the employee I'm referring to signaled me to roll down my window to ask me, "are you OK this morning are you doing all right is there something wrong with you!" With a huge attitude and as I replied "yes I am okay why?" he responded "your driving through MY car wash!" ....... (he saw the look on my face completely in question to what I might have done wrong) and I looked down and my gear was stuck between neutral and drive. Complete accident still barely even into the car wash. Feeling completely disrespected when he could've just sat there and said your car isn't in neutral and I would have adjusted it. But instead I got yelled at by an employee and made feel stupid.
Now after I got out of the car wash that I didn't even want to be in at that point I pulled up to the front office and I confronted that employee stating to him that it was not right the way he asked me and the way he confronted me. he sat there beginning to argue with me and admit that he said those things but not clearly apologize that he did, but rather he just apologized that I felt insulted by what he said. And kept repeating "I'm good, there's cameras, I'm good, you drove the MY car wash!!" and walked away from me. He looked like he just got out of prison with his idiotic looking tear drop on his eye and neck tattoos and he sure as hell acted like he was still in there. I'm not one of you inmates, I'm a customer and I'm 100% friendly and respectful until you give me a reason not to be and his lack of customer service fumed that out of me.