Located behind the AM/PM gas station. Splash n Dash is a quick drive thru experience.
You can purchase your wash, 1)at the Gas Pump while pumping gas, 2) inside the AM/PM or 3) at the drive up entrance. If you purchase at the pump or inside you will get a receipt with a code that must be given to the attendant.
Once you pull in and line your left tires up in the track, usually directed by the attendant on duty, they ask for the receipt/code. Be sure to get a Car Wash Rewards card and have it stamped. You can purchase an air freshener and/or damp cleaning cloth for inside your car.
Then your set to go and the attendant pre-sprays and brushes your car and depending on which of the two washes you purchased, one is $7.99 the other is $10.99 they add wheel/tire cleaners.
Then your off and moving through the brush wash, soap, rinse and air dry.
At the other end there is 1 or 2 attendants that wipe down your vehicle as you pull out of the tunnel. (tipping optional)
There is a self vacuum are just to the left of the exiting the wash area and you can easily pull up and vacuum for free only with a car wash purchase.!! No Free Vacuum here anymore, or you can pay $2.00 for vacuum use.
Overall, this is a great and quick service that keeps your car clean. Its not a high end detailing wash or service so don't expect that but certainly enough to be satisfied with an $8-11 wash. I personally cannot tell the great difference in the high cost of the wash but then again I keep my car fairly clean. Also if you don't mind vacuuming yourself then this place is simply on the books for return use.