I have been to this place a few times over the past few years. I love the food here and considering the demand prices are still good. Chinatown is packed with of course great options to eat out but this restaurant has earned its reputation of being one of the best ones in the town so you can see by the line up outside. Anyway I always come here for their beef tranch fries... Its not really listed in the menu, but you can always ask the waiter for salt and pepper beef with no sauce, or even customize any dish. Really. They have a potluck service going on so everyone is always helping your table not matter what and you wont feel left behind at all. I loved how my particular who made a point on smiling and nodding everytime he passed and asked if everything was okay, making sure he was attentive. And this happens consistently everytime I come here, any given time.
The food itself is great! As a regular I always get the beef that I was talking about the corn chicken creamy soup and 2 sides that I always change around. One of my fav here is the cantonese fried chowmein. Its crispy with enough chicken around.
Overall its great here to come check out after your done sight seeing chinatown or down walk from st laurent street :)