| - I'm giving you all 5 star's all around!!
This hospital has mixed reviews from good to bad, but as in ANY type of business, there's bad and good.
I recently had to run my Mom to Emergency because of an issue with her vision, and then basically falling over on the couch, and being the closest to the house we ended up here.
A quick visit (I thought would be) turned into a week and a half visit at "Club-Med".
Diagnosis: A- fib / Extreme swelling of her feet and ankles.
She flatlined her 2nd day there / Pacemaker followed.
COPD and emphysema / breathing treatments and LOT'S of oxygen.
Blood clots in the lungs / etc etc etc
I can't even remember all the crap she went thru!?
I just want to say, ICU (2nd floor) ....You guy's ROCK!!!! What an amazing job these nurse's do! What a hard job these people have!! They do it with alot of patience and compassion, and I truly hope they get the recognition they deserve!?
Cynthia....thank you for setting me up with a chair, blankets, and pillow the night I thought we'd lose her, so I could sleep next to her and hold her hand!
That was the hardest night!!
Beth, Andrea, and All you wounderful nurse's whose patience were above and beyond what a human should have.
Dr. Mark Seifer, thanks for the Pacemaker and keeping her going.
The security at the desk in the lobby who always greeted you with kindness and a smile!
The gals in the Diner who again were always sweet! I lived on the food here for the entire time and it's delicious and cheap!! I still go now that Mom's home for the Chicken Salad. Your chef's ROCK!!!
Again, I was the lucky one who had a wonderful experience all around with John C Lincoln on Dunlap.
Thanks again for EVERYTHING you do