| - My god. I'll be you are all wondering where I've been for these past three years.
I can tell you that it has been a harrowing experience. This might take some explaining, so please, forgive the delay in getting to the point. I have to pour myself a single malt to even begin to start recounting the past three years, I'll try to be brief; something that has never come easily to me, but forgive the digression for this is a tale worth telling!
Now, you know that I have a weakness for two things: the young women of the world, and the devil's drink. I also have one hatred: Communism. (of course, I'm not much for the modern American system...much prefer the feudalism of my country, but there you go)
I found myself doing some work in the 'former' Soviet Union, and, not convinced that the old commies had really thrown down the old red flag, I thought I would, while there, do some MI6 style work and see if anything could be overthrown, so to speak. My research brought me to an infamous watering-hole in central Moscow, and while I was attempting to listen in on a conversation of two gentlemen who seemed quite suspicious (and blending in by imbibing in a vodka or two) a young lady took a fancy to an old Brit (me!). One thing led to another, and it seems that not only did the young lady want to have a financial reward for her 'services' but the two suspected communists were in capitalistic cahoots with her! A long story short, I was on the run to central Asia, and wound up in a gaol there for stealing a bottle of some god awful spirits and am only getting home now!
Well, stiff upper lip and all, but I'm back. And I had the loveliest dinner here. It was much nicer than the last time I was here (before the unpleasantness that had me incarcerated) and I would recommend it for a bit of good food and drink. The grilled radicchio salad had some fresh cheese on it that was divine, and the pastas were wonderful! I enjoyed the wine we had that evening, and it brought back memories of London, and the cases of wine from southern Europe that we had in our cellar, and the superb service reminded me of the Footmen and Valets who would server us! Bravo! Well done! Keep it up!