Horrible experience. Tried to get a loan to purchase a property through NBAZ. We have great credit, were purchasing from family, putting 30% down, and NBAZ held the first lien on the property already. No brainer, right? Wrong. They jerked us around for 2 months before informing us 2 days before closing that our property didn't fit their criteria for lending. Are you KIDDING me? I ended up contacting executive customer service, which only served to get the appraisal fee refunded (after all, why would they charge us if they never intended to lend on the property). Even then I received mixed messages (one person saying, "that's the best we can do" and another person actually fixing the paperwork issue). Ended up switching to a loan officer we've used at another company for several loans and she had us ready to close in 9 days. It's just crazy to me how hard "big banks" are to work with. I will never bank with NBAZ again.