FYI: Called the 2 dealerships I knew of in town after I found out that my motorcycle company was having sales on accessories. I was calling asap to get some goodies and was told by both stores they are not dealers! Whaaaa??!! I personally have been to both of them and cannot believe both parts guys said that. I told them about the sale and was told the same thing. Ironically, I got a call a second right after I got off the phone with them and a lady was calling me on behalf of the same dealer to ask me about my plans of upgrading to a newer model. She got an earful about my experience with her dealer and both parts men telling me they're not dealers yet she calls about an upgrade from the same place??? Hmmmm doesn't make sense.
So disappointed right now and unimpressed that Ride Now Sports have people who are not well trained or informed about the products they sell and the importance of customer service. I informed her I belong to a close knit motorcycle group and always keep up with social media on groups who appreciate our motorcycles as much as I do. I'm not personally attacking anyone here but as a customer and someone who considers my motorcycle an important part of my life, I don't appreciate it when a customer calls asking for assistance and not getting it but yet when they hear I'm up for paying them a large sum of funds for another motorcycle, I get the call. I'd like to believe it's a two way street as a customer. Sorry this is long. Ride Now lost me.