The one thing I hate about these types of "restaurants" is that the patrons have to be so attentive to the staff to make sure they get it right..I don't care about seeing pretty girls who can barely walk in stilettos, boys who want to be loved by the pretty girls or have undertrained teenagers working in the service industries. We come to dine and be with the group of friends or family with us, not to be a babysitter of the damn waitress/hostess/bartender.
The food is cookie cutter pedestrian fare and this is just a cover-up for a well oiled chain restaurant. You can impress my 13 year old but it's me with the Visa card who will pay.
We had: tuna tacos, roast chicken, steak, fettucine alfredo, calamari, lettuce wraps (working for your food with this one). All over priced .... and nothing new and exciting.
The waitress was so "undertrained" ( I'm being nice here), I wanted to say why don't you sit here and I'll go get everything. I don't want to be insulting but she was dumb as a fence post!!!!!
If your one of those 20 something guys on the prowl this place is perfect for you, go mosey up to the bar and have a few. You may even get lucky.