As of writing this review, this is the closest IKEA to where I am geographically (I cannot wait for Columbus to open!!) It must be my imagination but I feel this IKEA is smaller in comparison to other IKEA's I have been to. Not that it's a real big issue but I feel that the times I have visited this IKEA I am done in about 30 minutes or less and I feel like I missed something. Also, when I look for items online it's a 50/50 chance it will be here. The other IKEA's to the next closest locations (Canton, Michigan and West Chester Township) are approx. 3 1/2 hours away but they have the furniture I'm looking for. It's still IKEA and enjoy coming here no matter what is going on because of the Swedish meatballs! $1 more gets you 4 more meatballs!
Overall, how can you not enjoy IKEA! GREAT ideas for organization and new furniture is always being presented on the floor at a price that makes other stores look like a rip off! Add in the cafeteria with the Swedish Meatballs and you will always have a great time at IKEA! Visit for the furniture, stay for the food!