Chalk one up for not having the sense to check out Yelp before spending my money. D'oh.
Long story short, these people are jerks. Charged near $200 to tune up my mountain bike and hey, what do you know, now I'm having even MORE problems with it!! And I know it isn't my riding habits, because I seriously doubt riding back and forth on paved roads to work every couple of days would make a bike suddenly unable to stay in gear, and the console creak loudly every time I pedal.
I should also mention that if you are told your bike will be ready 'tomorrow' that is Durst-speak for 'sometime at the end of next week.' I surely enjoyed walking across campus in a 100+ degree heat wave because I made the mistake of expecting my bike to be fixed in two days at most, considering they quoted me one...
If you plan on supporting this business in any way, you should probably go to the bank, withdraw a couple hundred bucks, and set fire to it. That is the equivalent of my experience with Durst.
I highly suggest Bikeworks as an alternative to these jerks at Durst.