| - A huge disappointment. When I arrived, the clerk did not even bother to look up or acknowledge me in any way. After waiting about 10 minutes for her to finish with a guest, a couple of other people walked up. She asked the stupid question "Who's next?", giving ample opportunity for those who like to cut lines to push right up ahead of me. She checked me in without every really saying anything to me. I was invisible to her. She gave me my key with out ever asking if I needed directions, had bags, needed parking. So off I went in search of my room. I had on heels and walked and walked and walked. When I finally found my room, there was a tray of dirty dishes at the door step I had to remove myself. The lock/handle was old and I had difficulty opening the door. I immediately noticed that there were gross stains all over the bed covers. The room was so-so. When I went into the bathroom, it was filled with little black flying bugs. I killed as many as I could, then left to attend my first function. I was nearly mowed down by bicyclists who were speeding around the parking lot. They were angry at me for walking across their parking lot to my car. The next morning, these same bicyclists were loud and yelling at 7:00 AM and woke us. When we returned to our room after the second night, we noticed mosquitoes all over the room. We spent about an hour, until 1:00 AM, killing those we could. When we awoke the next morning, again, thanks to the loud bicyclists yelling an laughing at the break of dawn, we were both covered with mosquito bites. Upon checkout, we informed the clerk and she did not seem too concerned. In fact, she never bother to ask how our stay was.
The resort is in a beautiful setting with lots of wildlife and nature all around. It's just sad that the management is so poor and have allow this one-time gem become so run down with such uncaring employees.