The new owner is doing something very right because when I was in high school everybody knew this place as the filthy 'dive' of Hookah Bars. It was the one that you went to if all the others were busy and the easiest one to sneak underage kids into.
I miss the old art and Alice in Wonderland type chairs, but everything else has been improved GREATLY. The music isn't too loud or soft, the girl at the front was so friendly and helpful (it was my friends first time with hookah), and they had a wide variety of flavors.
The ONLY problem I have is that they don't serve drinks or food. Even if they aren't going to have food they should at least do fountain drinks. People get thirsty!
Edit: The owner actually contacted me to tell me that due to some stupid rules they can't do fountain drinks but they do sell bottled drinks at the front. That alone shows an owner that cares!
Five stars all around!