| - This place is suffering from an identity crisis, but aren't we all these days? Natural wood and terrarium accents clash with bright lights and colors which compete with the multitude of TVs which interrupt the idea that this is a place where you would come to have conversations which questions the whole pro-new-media-we-are-located-in-the-same-building-as-google vibe. But I can kind-of get it; it is Pittsburgh's updated version of socializing (watching and talking about sports in a bright and airy post-industrial space while posting on Facebook and Instagram, or whatever, via smartphone). However, I don't think the atmosphere appeals to anybody in particular, certainly not to me, even though I love terrariums; and I've heard sports fans complain that they keep the volume off (or maybe it was too low) on the TVs (that's just what I heard, could be a rumor! But that's a natural consequence of Social contexts). I half expected Social to have more techy stuff, like iPads at the table with apps that allow for communication with other tables to play games of sorts or select the music, or something, I wouldn't know. So, I've tried the veggie burger and it was just OK, and I had some pizza at an event once which was also alright. Then, there's a couple of REALLY well crafted things about Social: The Brooklyn Bridge and The Bourbon Blast.