Are you bored? Lonely? Looking for ways to fill your days? FOUND IT! You're welcome in advance for me letting you in on this secret gem ....
I highly recommend this place for their service department to any and all who have nothing better to do and love waiting rooms. Few better in Vegas except maybe an urgent care on a holiday! Extra long waits and terrible service come included at no extra charge!
I made an appointment for an oil change , arrived on time, and waited.....2 HOURS. I checked in after being patient for the first hour, to be told it was almost done. 20 mins later they said to wait outside at the valet because it was finishing up being washed and would be out momentarily.
News flash: 45 mins isn't momentarily. But like I said, if you're into that kinda waiting forever game THIS PLACE IS FOR YOU.
Days like this I wish there was a 0 star option.