For the serious Video Poker Player, and you know who you are, then The Fort should be the only Casino in the Valley you should consider. It's not perfect by any means, but its the best available in Arizona.
Unlike the other casinos, playable games are easily identified and not flooded with Keno plunkers who take up space on the multi-game, multi denom machines playing a quarter at a time.
I personally rate this the Number 1 Casino in the Valley for the following reasons:
1. They provide the fastest hand pays in the Valley.
2. Once you are in their "computer system" filling out the dreaded W-9 is a non issue. Just provide them with a drivers license and a SSN then sign the pre-printed form when they pay you.
3. When you hit a jackpot, you are given a receipt for the amount they owe you, and then they "RESET" the machine right then. No waiting until you get paid to resume playing.
4. If your VP machine is playing too slow and you'd like it sped up. Simply ask and its done. If its too fast, just ask.
5. The sushi bar is the best in the Valley, but keep that to yourself.
6. Instant cash back, via voucher or downloaded to your machine.
7. Some of the nicest people on the planet man the Players Club Booth.