| - I just wanted to share the email that I received after canceling my account with Gilbert Pool Service. To review, the repair guy didn't call or show up in the morning as was agreed. When he did finally arrive, he turned off the house water without telling anyone, then he pumped chlorinated water onto my lawn and shrubs, then over my property line, washing out drip lines for some other shrubs. When I called the office to tell them about it, the office called him back and he proceeded to complain about me within earshot. I finally forcibly extracted him.
I'm not sure which disturbs me the most - the gross negligence of the technician, or the thinly veiled threats of the field manager:
"Here is the link to check their website and file a complaint; Our license number is 203666 if you would like to check our complaint status. We have no complaints due to the fact the they are a government agency. A business is innocent until proving guilty.
Unlike the BBB, where a business is guilty until they prove they are innocent. With the BBB, they take complaints and once the business proves to be innocent they mark it as a resolved complaint.
We have several complaints with the BBB, but customers always regret taking that route. The BBB is a private organization funded by businesses by selling advertising and membership fees to businesses. They have absolutely no authority as far as law in concerned. For a consumer, its free, easy and gives the consumer a shoulder to cry on.
The very last complaint from a customer was quite humorous. He complained because we sent him to a collection agency. He didn't pay for 3 months of pool service. We do advertise a $50 no show guarantee so he thought by locking his gate every other week he could pay his bill because no one signed the card therefor no one showed up. Wrong, all of our cell phone have GPS recording devices. We could prove we were there so we took him to Highland Justice Court, (keep in mind a real courtroom supersedes the BBB, so the BBB has to drop any complaint that has a court record number). This customer paid his bill once he seen court papers with attached exhibits proving our innocence. He probably didn't want a court Judgment on his credit report. Those take about 100 points off a FICO score for a period of 6 years.
I do have a question for you. Where is one suppose to pump backwash waste water, if you don't use the lawn? I have owned a homes with pools since 1990 and have always back washed into my lawn. Since chlorine is actually a gas, it doesn't have a chance to absorb into the ground hurting any plant life. When in fact, the mineral build up from the pools evaporation rate acts as a fertilizer to the plant life. On my current house the backwash line is hard plumbed underground and it discharges into the lawn on the west side of my driveway. The grass on the west side of my driveway is much healthier then the grass on the east side that only gets city water to maintain it.
As to your request your account will be closed once the above repair is paid in full. From your explanation, I am not really sure why.
Rick Crissman
(Field Manager)"