| - VARY BAD SERVICE(the manager) AND LITERALLY ASK ME FOR 10% TIPS. like are you serious?? Went there with family tonight. The servants were alright. I went up to the lady manager and asked for some more fish cake and the raddish, she said 'okok' without even lifting her head and continue does her own stuff (talking+laughing with the servant beside her). I literally stood there, holding the 2 side dishes, for a minute straight. She pretty much ignored me in the first place. When I went up to pay my bill, it was $60. Gave $100, she return back a $20, a $10, a $5, a toonie and some loonies. I left $3 on the plate and ready to go, she immediately stopped me and pointing at the receipt saying '60, 60 dollar, 10%, 10% tips'(kept on repeating the word 10 percent) Since when tips option become a law?? I literally told her I'm not satisfied with her service and that has nothing to do with her servants but her. The food were okay but I would not go back to this place because of this lady manager.