The food is OK. The servers are OK. The decor is what happens when its sunny little logo explodes.
I've been to this location a number of times as well as many others and you're guaranteed to be waiting in a line or witnessing a line-up form. The overwhelming menu is impressive (as are their fruit-art that accompanies your meal) but nothing that really blows up my skirt. I will admit, no other place has the option to sandwich an omelette in crepes (called a Bobby Button). Though I suppose if you add crepes to any brunch combo be it omelette, the Cora's Special (which is a delightful feast for the carnivore) or a pile of fruit (which is, I'm assuming, a delightful treat for the anti-carnivore), it classes it up big time. But in the end, all I have is a crepe that gets in the way of my cutting of ham/sausage (with the exception of the Bobby Button, of course).