I left my bike here for a minor repair - the chain was skipping. I should have thought twice after hearing the irate customer in front of me complaining, but I left my bike there anyways. When I came back to pick up my bike, the seat has been badly torn. I asked them what had happened and the mechanic swore up and down that they never touch the seats, and had no idea what had happened. When I told him that I in fact had seen another mechanic remove the seat, he told me that that was impossible. He thought the whole thing was quite a laughing matter - he kept smirking and giggling through the whole episode. When we asked the other mechanic he admitted that yes, in fact, he had removed the seat. He couldn't explain why he'd done it, and insisted that he hadn't damaged it. They refused to help me in any way, or acknowledge that they'd done anything wrong. The guy at the front desk said he'd have the manager call me back, but 3 days later, I haven't heard a thing. AND - they failed to even fix the minor problem I went in for. The chain still skips and I'm going to have to take the bike in to a real bike shop to be fixed and to get a new seat.
This place has obnoxious and incompetent mechanics and a manager who doesn't take responsibility.