I frequent this F&E because I work in this neighborhood and it's sadly one of the only grocery stores within a 3 mile radius. Literally. It's your typical F&E, pretty well stocked and lots of great lunch selections-hot and cold. They recently discontinued one of my F&E staples, a spicy mac and cheese that hit the spot on days when work was giving me reason to drink and I had to substitute with food.
The employees are ok, helpful for the most part but the patrons are the type of people who shouldn't be using the self-checkout system. That's all I'll say about that.
They always have discounted wine (I should know) and a decent selection overall. My favorite thing at F&E is their store brand roasted banana gelato. I have a theory that everything can be made better when you roast it and bananas are no exception. Take creamy gelato and mix in a slight hint of banana with a lot of caramelized goodness and you'll have to work really hard not to take out the whole container in one sitting.
My other F&E staples include the Italian deli salad, southwest Caesar chicken salad and the buffalo chicken wrap. None of them are extraordinarily good, but do the trick when you need a quick fix for lunch.