| - If you are into dinner and a show then this is the place to go to for a great evening of food, wine, and entertainment., Teppanyaki cooking is also known as hibachi. In Japan, food preparation is an art form and teppanyaki is no exception. The chefs at the Honmachi toss their knives and the food in much the same way that Tom Cruise did glasses, cocktail shakers, and liquor bottles in the movie Cocktail, which has, since my visit to Honmachi, become less impressive. No offense, Tom, I hardly saw getting hit with a Lemon Drop as life-threatening, but what do I know.
Despite the seeming dangers, which include all the above as well as a bit of a show with fire, it is actually very safe and a lot of fun to boot. The food is awesome and is cooked to perfection. The sushi is delectable (try the ahi sashimi -- it's always been my benchmark for good sushi -- you won't regret it), the steak melts in your mouth, and the seared ahi is amazing.
In addition, try speaking a little Japanese when you're there. Don't be afraid of butchering it -- just think of the Styx song, leave off the Mr. Roboto part and you'll be in good shape. The staff all appreciate your trying to say thank you in their native language and will respond with a little Japanese themselves.
All-in-all, I really like this restaurant and rank it right up there among my favorites in the Chandler area. My advice is to make a reservation before you go, if you want to be seated at a table with a teppan (the grill). Have fun!