A long time ago I took my parents to eat at Steak 'n Shake. A friend told me that they had good fries. He left out the rest. For 8 years I avoided the place until today. I forgot to eat a hotdog on National Hotdog Day...or...more accurately hadn't realized it even WAS National Hotdog Day...or...still more accurately hadn't known that National Hotdog Day existed...ANYWAY.
I went to Steak 'n Shake (why is there only one apostrophe? shouldn't it be 'n'? Or does it not work that way) to belatedly celebrate. I ordered a foot long chili cheese dog complete with onions. Screw my coworkers, I thought, it's National Hotdog Day. Sort of.
I used the drive-thru. Something must have gone "wrong" inside. The line sat still for 5...then 10 minutes. Finally we moved. Hotdog wasn't a footlong, but of course, it was too late when I unwrapped it at work to rectify THAT problem. It tasted okay. Paid for a footlong, ate a regular hotdog. Waited in line for "fast" food way too long.
The girl at the window was apologetic about the wait. I thanked her for her courtesy. But it'll be another 8 years at least before I go back.
I rarely rate anything 1 or 5 stars. But the "I've experienced better" that yelp defines as two stars is WAY overstating my only two experiences here. "Eek! Methinks not." is much more appropriate.