I was wowed to the point of wide-eyed giddiness at my first Sunday Brunch experience at Verona. However, my last time there makes me hesitant to even recommend this place at all.
The last Sunday of the month is a special Sunday Brunch that costs twice as much ($39.99) as a normal Sunday Brunch...and it is 10x better than the normal Sunday Brunch too.
My last visit there (on a normal Sunday Brunch - $19.99) most of the food wasn't very warm, and all of the food choices were very bland--the sort of food you'd get at any all-you-can-eat establishment. Limp, greasy bacon. Tepid, bland scrambled eggs. Dry, boring potatoes. Gobbling down massive amounts of sub-par food isn't why I go to a Sunday Brunch--and it is why I steer clear of most buffet style restaurants. At Sunday Brunch, I want to nibble away at a variety of fresh (and warm), delicious, breakfast options. A leisurely sampling of everything. The last Sunday of the month Verona has this down. The rest of the month?