Are you kidding me? ONE gordita for 4 dollars?! That is absolutely insane.
In Mexico I'm used to buying them for 1-2 dollars. And they have a ton of meat and filling.
These are not bad but I can't believe they are this expensive. My mom makes gorditas all the time and she spends less than 10 dollars for about 13 gorditas with a ton of meat filling.
That is way overpriced. It cannot take more than 2 dollars for them to make one. Probably even less.
The actual gorditas were pretty good but no way am I paying 4 dollars for one. I can't believe people are actually paying that much for one.
I can't forget to say I got a raspado (shaved ice) for about 6 dollars! why is this place so insanely expensive?! It was actually really good but 6 dollars?! That probably costs them 2 dollars to make. I couldn't believe they were charging 6 dollars for one raspado. The raspado was more than a venti drink at Starbucks and everyone is always complaining how expensive that it.