| - I am honestly shocked by all the good reviews, I went to this dentist office ONCE and I can easily say I will never be returning. I was there for approximately 3 hours JUST for a routine cleaning. They sat me down and had a sheet with survey questions to help to "Get to know you" and no it wasn't medical questions, it was silly pointless questions basically to figure out if you're money conscious, or your less worried about money and more worried about the health of your mouth. I basically said that I was more concerned about the health of my mouth and that money wasn't really a big deal because I have really good insurance.. I thought I could trust them and not have them take it the wrong way and UP charge me for every little thing. Which let me tell you, THEY took advantage of it fullllly they took about 20+ X-rays of mouth...why? I've never had that many taken, maybe 4 at most... and I kept asking the tech, all these are covered right? And she assured me that its covered. It was also extremely uncomfortable to have that big mouth piece in your mouth for 20+ minutes...
Anyway, I have had the same insurance for years and only ever had a $10 copay, now I go to this new dentist for a routine visit which has ALWAYS been covered by my insurance.. And i get a large bill in the mail that I need to pay out of pocket... I turned down all their silly things like laser therapy, mouth wash, fluoride, etc. because I knew my insurance wouldn't cover... before I even CAME to this dentist I asked the receptionist to make sure that I was covered! But here I am weeks later with this enormous bill. I have been trying to reach the billing department by email and by phone and no one is returning my phone call. I am extremely frustrated with this place and feel completely scammed. I will be sure to tell all my friends and family about this scam fest.