| - Last night was probably the absolute worst experience I've ever had in my life dining out. The staff was beyond rude, and I have no desire to eat here again. What I thought was going to be a good meal with friends turned into a brawl and heated argument.
I walk into the restaurant, and stand in line. As we get closer to the register, a cook by the name of "Miles" (who knows if that is actually his name) points to us and says "those girls can't eat here. Don't serve them." I'm thinking this is all a joke. As my friends approach the register to put in their order, "Miles" gets upset and starts throwing around his towel, slamming meat on the grill, throwing his hands up getting all upset. This is when I know "Miles" was not kidding about us not wanting to serve us.
I approach the register because it's my turn now to put in my order. "Miles" is still behind the register flailing his hands. I ask him if he had a problem with me and he says "yea I do." I asked him what it was that I did for him to be upset given that the only thing that I did was walk in the restaurant and stand in line. The young man at the register tells me not to mind his behavior, I said okay but I would like to speak with the manager. The young man on the register tells me that he was the manager, which I could hardly believe.
I proceed down to the waiting area, and another incident occurs. The Same "Miles" accuses a young man of putting his hands on another female customer in an inappropriate manner. "Miles" tells the man that he needs to get out of the establishment "because they were privately owned and he could kick out whoever he wanted to." Apparently no one sees the man touch a girl, except for "Miles" and he was the only one with the issue.
While I am waiting for my burger to be prepared, the "Miles" guy approaches me and he asks me "so what's up?" I have no idea why he approached me when he was supposed to be preparing my order. I tell him that he was a disappointment to me and that he has thoroughly embarrassed me. At this point I am standing next to the female police officer and "Miles" is now being more "careful" with his words. Another man approaches me at the end of the counter where I'm waiting for my order and asks me what was wrong. I tell him the story of everything that happened and I asked him who he was. He tells me his name was "Miles" too and that he too, was the manager. At this point I know all of the staff was playing a game. The "manager" says another girl threw the middle finger up at him. I ask what that had to do with me if that girl's sale had ended and I had a separate receipt for my order. He didn't have an answer to my question. "Miles" sees me talking to "the manager" and says "I don't care about that bitch because my check shits on what she makes. I make $70k so I don't have to deal with people like her".
I have absolutely no idea what his pay stub has to do with him saying I can't be served when I walk through the door, him calling me out of my name, or the experience I am entitled to have as a customer. "Miles" goes into the back kitchen and starts throwing around pots and pans because I tell him I'm done talking to him after his disrespect. "Miles" comes out of the kitchen and then interrupts my conversation with The police officer. I asked the police officer if she is seeing the disrespect that I am receiving. She says she can't do anything because he has not broken the law. "Miles" leans over the counter and asks me "if I want to take this outside." If you ask me, or anyone else, those are fighting words 1. In the context and 2. In the manner in which he said it. He is threatening me so much that the police officer steps in and says "no one is stepping outside." The "manager" approaches me again and asks me my order number. At this rate I was disgusted with the service and disrespect that I don't even want the burger. The "manager" takes the receipt out of my hand without my consent and then "Miles" throws the burger and fries at me. After that, I tell him that I'll be writing a review and contacting corporate. "Miles" then tells me to "get the fuck out" and at this point my friends are walking me out of the restaurant and I leave. After I leave the restaurant he then finds the need to follow me out, leaving his workstation to antagonize me and my friends yelling at us on our way out of the epicenter. Why? I have no answer for this inappropriate mess. Where was his manager and why was it okay to leave his post??
Unfortunately, I am pissed that I paid for my burger and fries and received that level of disrespect and service. Even more pissed that I didn't trust that my burger was safe to eat. If I could post the video that I have of "Miles" I would. But I'll be sure to include this in my email to corporate. I was able to capture "the manager" and "miles" in the video.
Unfortunately I won't be back. I really liked this place.