I recently moved here and wanted to send some snacks home to my friends and family that you can't find there. First of all, I didn't realize it would be $50 to ship a 3 lb box to Hawaii. Second, the service was terrible. I went there yesterday. The boy helping me asked me what I was shipping, so I told him "food/snacks." Then he responded saying, "and you want to ship it in this?" I packed everything in a box I had bought from them. He then kept going on saying how he wouldn't eat anything shipped to him and that he wouldn't spend that much money just to ship snacks. And asked me why can't they just make it at home ? I couldn't believe how rude he was. He gave me my receipt and copies of what he had printed to put on the boxes. I later looked at them and noticed that he had misspelt one of the names. First and last, when I had clearly written everything on the boxes prior. Then I also noticed that my address was my old address that was still in the system when I clearly wrote my new address on the box. I am never going back there again because of him.