I have been working out with Jesse for over a year and I have to say, I'm a better person for it. My goal was to get stronger and increase my endurance for outside sports activities including hiking the Grand Canyon which I successfully completed! Jesse has been an inspiration to those around him including me and his enthusiasm is out of this world. He is very conscientious about injuries (had to work around an old shoulder injury) and working around them to develop strength in all areas . He gently pushes you to do better rewarding personal records and giving you a high five! I have found a huge benefit to stretching now that I never believed would work to stay healthy. He's someone who has come from injury himself and pushed himself to the limit to compete in Tough Mudders all the way to hiking Machu Picchu in Peru. This guy is a machine! He has a "you can do it" attitude which is infectious with anyone that comes in contact with him. I'm doing more today because of the specialized training and coaching then I have done in a really long time. Thank you Jesse! I'm happy I made the investment in myself. It is so worth it!