Good sushi in Cleveland is hard to find....
GOOD STUFF: The Ritz Carlton used to have great sushi...if the other reviewer (Cheeky T.) is right that its the same sushi chef that's a definite plus. I've been twice....both times really good sushi at fairly cheap prices. Nice place too with good location in Ohio City. Most importantly they let me BYOB which I absolutely love.
BAD STUFF: I recently called there and they were closing early so turned me down for a take out order...worried that this place may not make it and you can't close down early when you're a restaurant....
PRICE: fairly cheap especially if you go BYOB
OVERALL: The best sushi place I have found so far in downtown or the west side of Cleveland. BYOB if you ask nicely and really solid sushi. Worried about the closing early thing...I hope they make it.