There are props. This is crude and silly prop-comedy. Know this beforehand and maybe you can enjoy yourself.
I like most of the show. I think we would all be better off admitting that we like Carrot Top. I maintain an untested hypothesis: 9/11 would not have occurred if the terrorists had attended Carrot Top when they visited Las Vegas.
A lot of his jokes are silly. But that is okay: this ain't Joe Rogan -- up on stage -- high out of his fucking mind, expounding on the multiverse. It is Carrot Top and there are props and dick jokes.
Gallagher (performing nightly at The Laugh Factory inside Tropicana: says that Carrot Top stole his act. Perhaps. (Most people remember Gallagher for smashing fruit, not specifically props.) But, is there not room in Vegas for two headlining prop-comedy performers?
I don't know. Go to both shows (and possess the cojones to admit it!).
My name is Edwin and I like Carrot Top. - E