Im writing because seriously in 29 years of being alive today was the best experience I have ever had with a doctor or doctors office. I have been sick for 3 days and putting off going to a doctor figuring like every other office you can some times walk in with a broken arm and they tell you "its nothing but the flu go home and sleep call us back in 5 days if you still feel bad."
I had the strangest symptoms all over the map. Fever, sick, then this strange pain in my side with other really odd symptom which I wont even get into they were just to random and bizarre. I knew going in that I would sound completely crazy trying to explain what this felt like. I figured with the strange symptoms that I couldnt even imagine would be related that no one would know what this was or that this was. I even thought about blowing off a doctors office all together and going to the hospital just to not get the normal dr's office reaction, or not going in at all to tough it out. Finally today when things got to a point I couldnt handle I called first thing at 8am and they were more than willing to get me in today which was a huge relief.
When I got into my appointment I saw Dr Sheth who has never treated me before. He made me feel completely comfortable. After I explained my symptoms I half expected to look up and have him tell me I was crazy but instead he was smiling and told me that he knew exactly what I had. Shingles. Never would I ever think being 29 years old that I could even have shingles. I had to ask a million questions he explained every single one of the symptoms, which completely put me at ease for the first time in days. Im seriously so impressed with what someone could have easily blown off that he was so great at explaining it to me and diagnosing it like he did. He is truely one of the best doctors I have ever been to.
With that long story being said my other family members go to this doctors office and love it here. I have in the past just a small handful of times too and I have never ever been disapointed while it was nothing on this type of a scale. Going forward this will be where I go because their level of service is always excellent and they truly have doctors that know what they are doing and take the time to listen to you when you already dont feel well which means a lot.