My last experience here was fucking horrifying.
Look, I worked at Lush for two years. I know the sales cycle and how hard they push you. As someone w severe social anxiety who gets how intimidating the Lush approach is, I never really did the whole "harass the shit out of the customers", and tried to be mindful of who seemed really put off by the aggressive and maniacally cheerful approach, but I get that picking and choosing this kind of stuff could cost someone their job and my soft approach making me a successful employee was lucky. I very rarely complain about Lush bc I know what it's like behind the scenes.
Regardless, I couldn't believe how suffocating my experience was here a couple days ago. I couldn't walk three steps without an employee approaching me and forcing me into a conversation. I am not exaggerating, I was forced into 11 different conversations over a 15 minute period. I had zero time to just look at the products, and even while walking from one table to another in the middle of the store I was accosted bc an employee "saw me looking at the body sprays earlier". PLEASE STOP.
Management needs to chill on these employees and make sure that floor awareness is a priority. Being approached and forced into conversation 11 times is extremely annoying, even to someone who is intimately familiar w the way Lush works and very patient. I'm never rude or dismissive to anyone serving me, but I feel like anyone would be hard pressed not to be short if they were approached that many times. If we had mobbed a customer like that in my store, we'd have been in shit for not paying attention to what other employees were doing and who's been approached.
Way too anxiety producing in this particular location for me. I left with one product instead of the four I had hoped to buy because I couldn't even look at anything long enough to get an opinion without being bothered.