My hometown is San Diego and with that said, I've been privy to some amazing Mexican food.
I'm a die hard when it comes to trying all different entrees, but do have my favorites.
Tacos La Carreta has by far the most delicious lengua (tongue) tacos EVER.
If you've never had the opportunity to partake, it is a must.
Perhaps the idea of tongue takes you somewhere unable to explore the possibility is food righteousness in your mouth. Don't kid yourself.
The lengua is seasoned to perfection and so tender.. served with the traditional cilantro and onions, few wedges of lime.. you need no more.
I order three:w/grilled chili's or onions on the side, use the green sauce from the salsa stand then sit in heaven for 10 minutes as I devour my food.
It's walking distance from my house, so once the blistering sun fades in the evening, I take a stroll to their truck.
I'm never disappointed and I always leave smiling. If you love the taco truck revolution you MUST TRY