My experience was wonderful. The current picture barely represents how nice the facility actually is. I was surprised at the size of the massage room. As soon as I arrived, Karyn introduced herself and took my coat. She gave me an absolutely fantastic massage, during which she talked as much I wanted her to; I felt in control of my experience, yet barely had to do a thing. I asked her to deep tissue massage my legs since I need to run for one of my part time jobs and my neck and shoulders since I recently had problems with it being very tight after an illness. I also had her treat my back some and her hands were so soothing. The oil on my hands and feet felt so refreshing since they had been so dried out from my heater at home and calloused from the cold of winter. Originally, I had only a half hour planned, but the massage was going so well that I wanted to invest more in the healing I was receiving. I was the last customer of the day and I asked if she could extend my session to an hour. She was considerate of this and accommodated. I felt like I got a massage from an angel. I felt so relaxed and social-able afterwards. It helped my body a lot. Karyn is sweet and does her best. She deserves to get some good business. I definitely recommend getting a massage here. You will love it.