I thoroughly enjoyed this show! The theatre was small and intimate so you could see from any seat. The stage was simple yet true to the era. The props and costumes were minimal but effective. The ringmaster was funny, engaging, and used children on the stage which was adorable! This is a very kid friendly show and all the children in the audience were in awe of the acts!
This show was a rendition of a traditional circus with a juggler, contortionist, acrobats, tight rope walkers, a ringmaster, and a handful of other amazing acts. My favorite act was the gentlemen from Italy who were spinning each other on their feet. Amazing talent!
The puppet elephants were phenomenal! Their movements were so realistic and beautiful. This was something I've never seen before and I think the entire audience loved it.
The refreshments and snacks are decently priced outside the theatre. The organization of entering and exiting was a bit chaotic but beside that the show overall was great!