I have been leery of buying fish at WSM for a while now after I went to a cooking class at the Viking School and they told us it is rarely fresh fish. A friend convinced me to try Kate's so I did. Luckily I hit up Kate's on a day when they were selling Wild Caught King Salmon (at $29.99 a pound) and Wild Caught Alaskan Halibut (at $19.99 a pound). Usually they sell a lot of farm-raised fish and I won't buy that stuff. I prepared both over the weekend and they were outstanding pieces of fish. I am assuming it was previously frozen (most fish is these days) unless it's like the experience I had in a coastal town in Oregon where my piece of salmon was caught a few miles up the coast and was never frozen...damn that was good salmon...anyway...last week I bought Wild Alaskan Cod at Earth Fare and it was chock full of bones (pissed me off). I just hope Kate's continues to bring in wild caught fish. If so, I am a customer forever!