Mondays is a pretty small bar, but that's okay because no one seriously intends to stay here long. It's a quick in-sober, exit-wasted transaction. The drinks are unreal. Strongest ever, anywhere. Truly. I am a proud badger and can out drink many a man who did not grow up in the great land of cheese, but Mondays challenges your liver in painful ways. On the other hand, if you can stomach it, it's a great way to get on everyone else's level if you've just met up or fallen a drink behind, and for cheap no less.
The main thing I dislike about this bar is the clientele. Somehow a bunch of thirty plus, Jersey Shore loving meatheads found this place and call it home base for hitting on college girls who are only there to pre-game. Is that an Affliction T? Gross.
Sometimes Mondays is a necessity and it's good to know its there, just in case you need it.