| - Just got my bi-annual teeth cleaning done and as always they fell great! I've been using Dr. Brett's office for nearly a decade now (I think, Holy Crap!) and everyone there is always so professional. Over the years I've worked with most of the Techs in the office and their all fantastic.
I also have the pleasure of being the Doc's first "Virgin"...CALM DOWN!!
"Virgin" Tooth Crown Procedure, you sicko's!! I had a tooth that was extremely painful for what seemed like no reason. It persisted and worsended over time so he sent me for a second oppinion to confirm his notion there was a hairline fracture splitting my tooth in half. Fortunatley his steady hands performed flawlessly (at least from my perspective laying back counting the holes in the ceiling tiles) and based on the results and lack of issues with afore mentioned Crown procedure, he did a great job!
Now fast forward a couple years. That's right, the opposite tooth has the exact same symptoms and seems I might be due to a bright, shiny new crown. Yes, Just what I wanted for the Holidays!
Doc, hope your hands are still as steady as they were when you were younger! Now don't get all mad, that's not an "old" joke. This time i think i might opt for the gas though, not the most pleasant experience I've had, no offense!
Thanks again for the years of service, Happy Holidays!