The review below by Shederick M pretty much says it all. There is absolutely no reason to go out of your way to eat at shake shack, especially when the lines are as long as I had to wait in today. The food is fine, it's good... but it's not better than anywhere else that is cheaper with better and faster customer service. I waited for a total of 40 minutes from walking into the restaurant, ordering and then receiving my food. The single shakeburgers are so small it only took 30 seconds to consume. The raspberry ginger lemonade was unsweetened & sour. Im not sure if it was supposed to be served that way or it was an oversight? But I wasn't about to wait in line behind the other people with food complaints for another 15 minutes to find out. The "Pie Oh My" concrete with the Suarez bakery blueberry pie was the only thing I thought was unique and worth the money.
Maybe it's because this place is new and the employees are still learning how to do their jobs correctly but I won't be back.