| - For genuine inclusion I wish to suggest a Bankshot Family sport like Bankshot Basketball at Mountain View Park. we recommend all sports that are self-competitive and w/o opponents.
Bankshot basketball is the other basketball sport, often called "miniature golf with a basketball." A series of trick shots played on a course laid out like mini-golf or in any shape including square or rectangle. Science museums and Children's Museums are perfect placements for Bankshot as an added inclusionary attraction to the mix. The court presents increasingly difficult stations of trick shooting, starting easy, becoming moderate and then diabolical but make-able. Bankshot Basketball is a game for all levels of ability and great fun. No running, or jumping, just pure shooting. Age, stature, and gender are irrelevant. Sports Illustrated had a wonderful story about the game which may be found on the website.
There are about 300 courts worldwide. Conceived for inclusion, integration and socialization, participants play the court like at bowling and golf. No body contact. The concept is play alongside not against others. We need not play sports solely to defeat opponents. There need not be opponents in the offense defense rivalries. Courts are indoors or outdoors and several museums including the Boston Children's Museum offer a Bankshot pavilion for the interactive convergence of sport, play and art.
We call Bankshot "total mix sports based on universal design." Only a swimming pool rivals Bankshot in diversity of inclusion. A figure-it-out game, it takes focus and concentration, intelligence, especially in understanding trajectories and calibration - a couple of science museums present Bankshot for teaching physics- and a very soft touch. Little Jimmy in a wheelchair can go out with his brother Stevie on a given sunny day without waiting for a program - that's important - for a drop-in walk-on facility at a Bankshot court. What other sports facility provides immediate access, inclusion and drop-in at a ball-playing sport?
800.933.0140 301-309-0260