| - I was caged in a recreation center for too long. I couldn't light the fire that released the destructive inner beast of Gainz from within the fibers of my being. A recreation center was no place for a Swoler Bear. It's hard to hold back your roar, tame your aggression, anger, rage and explosiveness. These were rules that were put in place to obey policies that protect the brittle feelings of those who don't know what it's like to be in full on "Don't Eff With Me Beast Mode!" I couldn't handle one more day of maxing on bench while listening to "Madonna- Like A Virgin" play over the load speaker. So Swoler Bear went on a search for his natural habitat and has now found his home at OSI. A serious gym for serious lifters. An atmosphere for those who leave it all on the floor before hitting the exit. A place where boys become men and men become bigger and stronger men. A place where Swoler Bears can roar, throw big boy weight and not be judged for it, called a lunk, have girly flashing lunk alarms sound off or have people complain that you're offending them with your beast like mentality. This is America, land of the effing free!!! If you don't like my roar, my freedom of speech music playing over the load speaker, my weights hitting the floor because I hit every rep until I fail then shut your mouth and move out of my country or go sign up at Planet Weakness, eat your tootsie roll and leave us real lifters alone! The gym isn't a playground or a house for complainers and crybabies, it's where serious people go to get serious gains, where swole is the goal, size is the prize and it's always Gainz O'clock. This isn't a place for you crybabies!!! This is America's gym right here in the backyard of Ohio- Land of the Swolest!! If you don't go to the gym to get swole, roar, throw weights and wreck every rep in your set then go listen to Madonna and swim in the pool, cry and complain about somebody dropping weight or music being offensive because you're jealous that they're going harder than you and it scares the living daylight out of you. Swoler Bear will come see you fishes when he's hungry and needs his protein and omega 3's after doing real work in a real gym listening to real music!