Uggg. All Lee's are not created equal. I guess I'm a little bit of a Lee's snob after having worked in San Jose for 3 weeks and eating it almost every day. I got the grilled pork and I think it was just cut up cheap ham. I was horrified at this abomination of a Lee's after having talked so much shit to my wife about how good it was. It was painfully all right. No green waffles, no chuoi nep nuong, no assorted treats layed out just so. Not a young coconut in site. They did have the fresh squeezed sugarcane juice I have come to love. But it still has nothing on Nuoc Mia Ninh Kieu's sugarcane and kumquat explosion.
I sadly went away with a large baguette and the hopelessness of knowing Arizona is missing out big on the REAL Lee's Sandwiches experience and that is a mofo shame...