| - I. Love. Ice cream. My freezer perpetually is stocked with 5 flavors of ice cream, a gelato, and 3 kinds of popsicles. I've been begging my bf to walk down to the Epicenter with me to try Ice Shavers and it was a total disappointment. I'm giving Ice Shavers 2 stars for: rude customer service, underwhelming shaved ice and not worth the $5 price tag.
_______________Rude costumer service. OK. So maybe coming today after the Panthers game when they were pretty busy had something to do with it but I came from S Cal and a plethora of innovative shaved ice options -- not to mention the deliciousness we had in Hawaii -- where you have finely melt-in-your-mouth ice shavings piled with fresh fruits, candy, and thick syrups. I was hoping that Ice Shavers would be similar. Nope.
When I approached and saw just bottles of "natural" juice sitting out, I asked the girl for clarification on whether their shaved ice consisted of pouring the juices over the ice. She looked at me like I was stupid and responded, "Yes. It's SHAVED ICE," (heavy emphasis on "shaved ice"). Ummmm. Sorry. There's an entire world of shaved ice out there that goes beyond a step up from a 7-eleven Icee on a snow cone. I couldn't help myself so proceeded to explain to her that shaved ice could have fresh fruit, condensed milk, and actually be already flavored frozen fruit juice before it's shaved (see pics for examples).
We walked the few blocks for the shaved ice so I had to at least give it a try.
__________________Underwhelming shaved ice. Like I said, the shaved ice is a step up from a 7-eleven Icee. The ice itself isn't really shaved, it's crushed into really small chunks; the way hail would probably taste if you collected it in a plastic cone. Then it's topped with fruit juice; it doesn't have the bitterness or over sweetness of the concentrated snow cone that you get off an ice cream truck. I had tangerine and watermelon but honestly, couldn't taste the difference between the two; it tasted like a flavored Icee.
In contrast, the shaved ice I'm used to actually IS shaved and melts in your mouth and is comprised of little flakes that can start off pineapple or mango frozen juice (or another juice) or is frozen water that is truly shaved rather than crushed. Think of the way cotton candy melts in your mouth but replace it with fine ice flakes and that's the best way to describe true shaved ice. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's not a swan -- it's a duck. Just because you call it "shaved ice" doesn't mean that it's not a fancier snow cone wishing it were shaved ice.
__________________Not worth the $5 price tag. For $5, you can get a giant mound with fresh strawberries, raspberries or candy or instead of unflavored ice, it could be mango or pineapple shaved ice (the ice itself is yellow or orange instead of white). You can get a whole Icee for $.99 at 7-eleven. It's not that I'm cheap in any way, I will pay whatever as long as the experience is commensurate to the price; in this case, I'd rather not pay $5 for a suped up Icee snow cone. The name is a misnomer; this isn't shaved ice -- it's a snow cone.
As a lover of ice cream, I was excited that perhaps shaved ice had come to Charlotte. Nope. It's just a snow cone with fruit juice on top instead of concentrate. I won't be returning. I probably would have refrained from writing a negative review, too -- had it not been for the uncouth girl who served me today. So unnecessary...