| - So, over the years, I've reviewed Alton's three other times with a 4 star and two 5 stars and according to my app check-ins, have dined here at least eight times. Then comes this...
We were looking for an early Friday evening dinner and decided that Alton's bar would be a perfect choice. We arrived, were greeted promptly by the hostess and seated at one of the tables in the bar. As we were seated, a server was checking on the table next to ours and gave us a nice welcome. Then we sat, and sat, and sat, and sat and.... Well, you get the picture. No menus, no waters, no nothing. For the first 5 minutes there was only the bartender behind the half full bar and no other staff coming into the bar dining area. Then came a flurry of at least 3 different servers checking on other tables, bringing out food, etc. with not one word spoken to us. The final straw was the server who had welcomed us as were being seated checking on the same table where he had welcomed us and then turning around and leaving.
Leaving.... That's what we did as well. Literally 10 minutes without one bit of attention paid by at least 4 staff members in the area at different times during that 10 minutes. Unacceptable. In case management wants to have a word with folks, the date was December 5 and we arrived about 5:45 PM.