The DoY is a tony old English pub located in the Annex, directly west of the Hyatt and Four Season's hotels.
Not to be confused this shady joint in Leslieville:
Celebrities, especially those of the British variety (I'm talking about you James Bond guy), are known to water themselves here and indulge in mediocre British pub food that they love so dearly.
I've been to the DoY more frequently than I've been to even my most beloved establishments in the last year merely because of their Tuesday Pub Trivia night, run by PubStumpers and hosted by the always entertaining and self-pitying Luke Pettigrew, who is also fondly known as the Luke of Dork.
The trivia night here is right up the nerdy richter scale and the music selections always feature impossible classic rock quizitry (I don't care if that's not a word).
I'm always disappointed with the menu selection and the prices on everything are inflated probably because it's a high rent neighbourhood. $12.99 for a small serving of a blandish curry is not my cup of tea. I usually just stick with beer.
There's an adequate selection of vegetarian options, both appetizers and entrees but not a lot for vegans. The pub burger and veggie burger are $7.99 during trivia night so if I'm truly famished I just get that. It's nothing special, but it fills me up and keeps me from getting antsy during the breaks in trivializing.
Trivia takes place on the 2nd floor every Tuesday night during season (yes, it has seasons) from 8-10pm but sometimes starts late at 8:30pm. There's no fee, you just have to drag out 3-7 people who want to do this on a Tuesday night.
It's actually very popular and 'place holders' generally start showing up after 6:30 to get a table in the front room. These tables are desirable because it puts you in direct line for bombardment.
What's bombardment? You'll just have to find out for yourself, but let's just say this is an environment where you can be loud and proud about being a nerdy smartypants brainiac and potentially will be rewarded. Liking drinking is an asset too but it's not enforced.