Such a cool concept! I was happy to try a pop from King of Pops after a Wednesday run at NoDa Brewery. I went the safe route with the Banana Strawberry Orange (I'm not sure if the fruits are in the right order) because I had just ran 3 miles and thought this flavor would be refreshing. It was so yum. You could tell the popsicles were made fresh and from real fruit, not the sugary and preservative-laden stuff from the grocery store. For $3 a pop (see what I did there?) I felt they were reasonably priced. My only regret? Not going for the Banana Cinnamon pop. I heard that one was the bomb!
If you can catch the KOP cart out on a warm day, I would highly suggest grabbing one. Perhaps you should be a little more adventurous than myself, though, and spring for one of their crazier flavors like Chocolate Sea Salt or Strawberry Balsamic!