| - If I didn't know any better I would have popped a lotus position on the floor of this place and began some breathing meditation, seriously. I felt the tranquility flow through my veins when I came inside. The smells of the incense and countless herbs ran up my nostrils and sent me to Electric Ladyland.
Really though, I liked this place. I came inside about five minutes after they had officially closed, and I asked the clerk if I could peek around for awhile and she was completely hospitable. "Look around as long as you want!" These books and herbs must be doing something for her, because when the clock runs up on my shift I am flying out the door. I wouldn't necessarily categorize it as a bookstore though, they did carry books, but they carried more gifts, stones, cards, and décor than anything else.
I liked the Dalai Llama calendar filled with quotes from the prophet, but there wasn't any Buddhist literature. Auras and the afterlife are ok, not really buying into those healing rocks so much.