| - When it comes to writing individual cupcake assessments, which I'm prone to do, I tend to dive into the same word bank over and over again. Words like moist, light, fluffy and dense seem to come up frequently and become, like the cupcake itself, dull in my mouth. Life Is Sweet inspires both my palette and my vocabulary to venture beyond the norm for better or for worse.
Vanilla Bean:
There's something about vanilla bean that, when you breathe it in, you can smell and taste the difference between vanilla bean and your run-of-the-mill vanilla extract. This cupcake lacked the essence of vanilla bean leaving nothing more but a basic pound-like cake in my mouth. The frosting was a sugary buttercream and one that I can and have easily imitated.
Trust me, they get more positive as I go...
Mint Chocolate:
One of my favourite flavour combinations, this cupcake did what most mint chocolate cupcakes do and that's rely on the frosting to carry the mint and just pipe it on a chocolate cupcake (which was lovely by the way). I would've like to have a hint o' mint mingled in the cake.
Seriously, praise is soon to be distributed...
Lemon Drop:
This cupcake did not hold back on the lemon. In most cases, I prefer a tiny slap on the wrist of lemon flavour but this one gives you an unexpected yet completely welcomed spanking of lemon. The citric marriage of sweet and sour is perfect.
White Chocolate:
This might be the only white chocolate cupcake I've tasted that actually captured the rich flavour of white chocolate in both the cake and the frosting. What helps the cake might have been the mini white chocolate chips folded within. The frosting, in contrast to the buttercream used in the so-called vanilla bean cupcake, was much more creamier; the way white chocolate should be. I didn't think it could get better than this cupcake until...
Fuck! Put that in your word bank. It's moist, it's light, it's fluffy, it's delicious, it's orgasmic and it's heavenly. The perfect cupcake that is very delicate with its butterscotch.
Told ya!
Now what can be said about the little bakery on the east-side? Here's its word bank: quaint, adorable, cozy, friendly, lovely and inedible. Thank God there's the cupcakes to eat!