I cannot tell a lie! GULP. When the urge for a fast, hot pizza happens...and I'm in the area...I give Domino's a call or order online. It may not be gourmet pizza...but dang it! The new cheesy bread (which is on special for $5.99 if you order two or more...not that I have recently...) is pure salty, cheesy, flavorful goodness. It really hits the spot when you're starving and want something utterly not good for your waistline. I also think their new pizza recipe is pretty good.
I like this location because I've never had a problem with the service. They're always on time when estimating how long it'll take for your order to be ready. Keep in mind, busy times, like Friday nights or weekends can be super busy, and delivery may take awhile, so plan ahead.
Okay, I'm going to hide my head under the table now...and enjoy my slice.