Damn you cheeseburgers and how good you taste, I would be a healthier person if this deliciousness were never invented. At least at Smashburger I have the option to negate the damage that I may be doing to my health when I eat their awesome, juicy, tasty cheeseburger by ordering their mixed-vegetable side instead of their fries.
Don't get me wrong, the fries are good. I haven't tried the Smash Fries yet, but given the great flavor of everything else that I've eaten at Smashburger, I would imagine that those seasoned fries are damned good too. Nevertheless, opting for the asparagus/ string beans/ carrots mixture is a good way to fool yourself into believing that you are eating a light and healthy lunch.
I was also fooled when I saw my Smashburger. Perhaps the tray that it came on was an optical illusion, but when my 1/3 lb. burger was brought to my table I thought that maybe I didn't order enough food for lunch. Yet when I was half way through my meal I definitely realized that I had more than enough food to eat.
Just like many other new fast food restaurant concepts that are popping up all over the place, the food at Smashburger tastes as though it is fresh and of very high quality. In the same vein, the food definitely tasted as though it was made explicitly for my order and had never seen a warming tray or a microwave. I only wish that there were more Smashburgers in the Valley because when ASU goes back into session I would imagine that it will be very difficult to grab a quick lunch at this restaurant.